Analysis & Commentary: SCOPA Torsilieri Decision 5/31/2024

Introduction The long-awaited Commonwealth v. Torsilieri (Pa. 2024) (Torsilieri II) opinion finally dropped on May 31, 2024 – fifty-three weeks after the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania (SCOPA) heard oral arguments. What PARSOL hoped would be a ‘slam dunk’ win after the Chester County Court of Common Pleas decided twice in the defendant’s favor only became a huge disappointment. SCOPA, in…

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SURVEY RESULTS: Voter Disenfranchisement High Among Reentrants with Sex-Related Offenses

Pennsylvania HR 47 is a 2023 Resolution directing the Pennsylvania Joint State Government Commission to conduct a study on voting patterns and knowledge about voting rights among formerly incarcerated qualified electors in Pennsylvania and submit a report of its findings and recommendations to the House of Representatives. In response to this study, The Pennsylvania Association for Rational Sexual Offense Laws…

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PARSOL Lobby Day 2024 Recap

PARSOL Legislative Director Randall Hayes and Managing Director John Dawe were joined on Capitol Hill in Harrisburg, PA on Tuesday, April 30, 2024 by eight additional PARSOL volunteers from across the state. We met with dozens of Senators, Representatives, and Senate and House employees about rational reform measures to protect our communities and families from harm. Here are our current…

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Scammers Getting Bold

Guest Blog Post by C.M. A scam. An elaborate ruse orchestrated to prey on my fears and vulnerabilities. That’s all this was. But in reality, it was so much more. I live my life in constant fear of “screwing up.” A big part of me questioned the validity of the scenario from the beginning, yet amidst the chaos and confusion,…

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TAKE ACTION: Help Block Residency Restriction Bills (2023)

Pennsylvania State Representatives have introduced House Bills 47 and 77. These bills target persons forced to register under PA’s Megan’s Law. If passed, an individual forced to register as a “sexually violent predator” who resides within 2,500 feet of a public school, private school, parochial school, or day-care center would have six months after the law’s effective date to relocate…

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The murder of Mattieo Condoluci

5/20/’20 The threat of vigilante action is something that every man, woman, and child on the registry in PA and around the nation has to reckon with. Tragically, the information listed on a public registry is sometimes used to commit a hate crime such as the high profile murder in Nebraska this week. Please read the fine write up from…

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