A group of persons forced to register, members of their families and supporters demonstrated unity in Washington, D.C. this week in a unity conference and a vigil near the steps of the U.S. Supreme Court. Both events included leaders and members of multiple organizations that support registrants and their families, including PARSOL, NARSOL, ACSOL, WAR, Florida Action Committee, SHINE, United…
Read MoreTag: SORNA
The Problematic Reality of Lifetime Registration Under Pennsylvania’s SORNA
Pennsylvania’s “Sexual Offender” Registration and Notification Act (SORNA) was designed to enhance public safety by tracking individuals convicted of sexual offenses. However, an analysis of the current registry data reveals a troubling reality: more than half of the state’s Persons Forced to Register (PFRs) are on the list for life. This raises serious concerns about the effectiveness, fairness, and consequences…
Read MoreDefying Gravity: A Metaphor for Overcoming the Challenges of SORNA
The song Defying Gravity from Wicked is a powerful anthem about rejecting societal expectations, embracing self-determination, and rising above obstacles. For individuals on the “Sex Offender” Registry who face immense stigma and legal barriers, the themes of this song resonate deeply. The lyrics speak to the struggle of being judged, the desire to challenge an unfair system and the need…
Read MoreOP/ED: Vigilantism and the Sex Offender Registry
The following Opinion/Editorial appeared in the December 20, 2024 issue of MerionWest. Portez Smith arrived outside Jesse Grover’s Pennsylvania duplex early on Sunday, November 17th of this year, yelling through the closed door, “Grover, you’re a f—ing pedophile.” When Grover opened the door, Smith pulled out a gun and shot him to death. Grover was registered on Pennsylvania’s sex offender…
Read MorePanel Discussion Recap: Registry, Reentry, Restoration
Reentry into society after incarceration is a journey fraught with obstacles. For individuals forced to register on the Pennsylvania Megan’s Law registry, these challenges become even more formidable as stigma and restrictive policies compound the difficulties of finding housing, employment, and acceptance. At a recent panel discussion, experts, advocates, and justice-impacted individuals convened to discuss the path forward, sharing insights…
Read MoreDomestic Travel On the Registry Challenges
Involvement with the legal system in the United States can be a traumatizing experience. For those who have been found guilty of crimes of a sexual nature, this process almost always results in a massive upheaval of what is considered normal. The dread of what is going to play out in the courts, the shame of exposure, and the remorse…
Read MoreOur Opinion: Supreme Court of PA Missed an Opportunity
Back in June of 2023 we published an article Are the Courts the New Galileo? It focused on Supreme Court of Pennsylvania (SCOPA) shifting away from the popular “frightening and high” myth and moving to uphold the science that persons forced to register (“PFRs”) pose a very low recidivism risk. Justice Kevin Brobson was quoted when referring to the Court…
Read MoreSURVEY RESULTS: Voter Disenfranchisement High Among Reentrants with Sex-Related Offenses
Originally posted 5/3/24 – Updated 7/15/24 with JSGC information. Pennsylvania HR 47 is a 2023 Resolution directing the Pennsylvania Joint State Government Commission to conduct a study on voting patterns and knowledge about voting rights among formerly incarcerated qualified electors in Pennsylvania and submit a report of its findings and recommendations to the House of Representatives. In response to this…
Read MoreAnalysis & Commentary: SCOPA Torsilieri Decision 5/31/2024
Introduction The long-awaited Commonwealth v. Torsilieri (Pa. 2024) (Torsilieri II) opinion finally dropped on May 31, 2024 – fifty-three weeks after the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania (SCOPA) heard oral arguments. What PARSOL hoped would be a ‘slam dunk’ win after the Chester County Court of Common Pleas decided twice in the defendant’s favor only became a huge disappointment. SCOPA, in…
Read MorePARSOL decries Supreme Court of PA decision in Torsilieri appeal
HARRISBURG, PA – The Pennsylvania Association for Rational Sexual Offense Laws (PARSOL) decries the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania’s decision to reverse Chester County Judge Allison Bell Royer’s finding in the case of Comm. v. George Torsilieri that Pennsylvania’s Megan’s Law Sex Offender Registration and the Notification Act (SORNA) are unconstitutional. Mr. Torsilieri and more than 23,000 Pennsylvanians will continue to…
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