Back in June of 2023 we published an article Are the Courts the New Galileo? It focused on Supreme Court of Pennsylvania (SCOPA) shifting away from the popular “frightening and high” myth and moving to uphold the science that persons forced to register (“PFRs”) pose a very low recidivism risk. Justice Kevin Brobson was quoted when referring to the Court…
Read MoreTag: SexOffenderRegistry
Analysis & Commentary: SCOPA Torsilieri Decision 5/31/2024
Introduction The long-awaited Commonwealth v. Torsilieri (Pa. 2024) (Torsilieri II) opinion finally dropped on May 31, 2024 – fifty-three weeks after the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania (SCOPA) heard oral arguments. What PARSOL hoped would be a ‘slam dunk’ win after the Chester County Court of Common Pleas decided twice in the defendant’s favor only became a huge disappointment. SCOPA, in…
Read MorePARSOL decries Supreme Court of PA decision in Torsilieri appeal
HARRISBURG, PA – The Pennsylvania Association for Rational Sexual Offense Laws (PARSOL) decries the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania’s decision to reverse Chester County Judge Allison Bell Royer’s finding in the case of Comm. v. George Torsilieri that Pennsylvania’s Megan’s Law Sex Offender Registration and the Notification Act (SORNA) are unconstitutional. Mr. Torsilieri and more than 23,000 Pennsylvanians will continue to…
Read MorePARSOL Lobby Day 2024 Recap
PARSOL Legislative Director Randall Hayes and Managing Director John Dawe were joined on Capitol Hill in Harrisburg, PA on Tuesday, April 30, 2024 by eight additional PARSOL volunteers from across the state. We met with dozens of Senators, Representatives, and Senate and House employees about rational reform measures to protect our communities and families from harm. Here are our current…
Read MorePARSOL releases new report on autism, IDD, & sex offenses
As Pennsylvania observes both Autism Acceptance Month and Sexual Assault Prevention Month this April, the Pennsylvania Association for Rational Sexual Offense Laws (PARSOL) has released a new report focusing on individuals with autism spectrum disorders and other intellectual and developmental disabilities who are involved in sexual offense cases.
Read MoreScammers Getting Bold
Guest Blog Post by C.M. A scam. An elaborate ruse orchestrated to prey on my fears and vulnerabilities. That’s all this was. But in reality, it was so much more. I live my life in constant fear of “screwing up.” A big part of me questioned the validity of the scenario from the beginning, yet amidst the chaos and confusion,…
Read MoreTAKE ACTION: Help Block Residency Restriction Bills (2023)
Pennsylvania State Representatives have introduced House Bills 47 and 77. These bills target persons forced to register under PA’s Megan’s Law. If passed, an individual forced to register as a “sexually violent predator” who resides within 2,500 feet of a public school, private school, parochial school, or day-care center would have six months after the law’s effective date to relocate…
Read MoreHow to Use Person-First Language in the RSOL Movement
PARSOL receives letters and phone calls from people who are on the registry and those facing being placed on the registry. Often these letters and phone calls include statements like, “I am a sex offender,” “My daughter is a sex offender,” “My husband is a sex offender.” News articles, legislative documents, legal documents, and even professional journal articles refer to…
Read MoreAttorneys Challenge Chester County Decision; What Happens Now?
The Pennsylvania Association for Rational Sexual Offense Laws (PARSOL) has learned that attorneys for the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania filed a notice of appeal to the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania (SCOPA) in the case Commonwealth v. Torsilieri. The appeal docket number is 97 MAP 2022. But didn’t SCOPA already send this for review? That’s correct. In June 2020, SCOPA remanded the…
Read MoreSpecial Report: Recidivism Low For People With Sex Offenses
Supporters of the Pennsylvania Megan’s Law List inaccurately state that people with sexual offenses have a higher rate of reoffending. Candidates for Public Office often use this statement to incite moral panic and increase their popularity amongst voters.
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