SURVEY RESULTS: Voter Disenfranchisement High Among Reentrants with Sex-Related Offenses

Pennsylvania HR 47 is a 2023 Resolution directing the Pennsylvania Joint State Government Commission to conduct a study on voting patterns and knowledge about voting rights among formerly incarcerated qualified electors in Pennsylvania and submit a report of its findings and recommendations to the House of Representatives. In response to this study, The Pennsylvania Association for Rational Sexual Offense Laws…

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Scammers Getting Bold

Guest Blog Post by C.M. A scam. An elaborate ruse orchestrated to prey on my fears and vulnerabilities. Thatโ€™s all this was. But in reality, it was so much more. I live my life in constant fear of โ€œscrewing up.โ€ A big part of me questioned the validity of the scenario from the beginning, yet amidst the chaos and confusion,…

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How to Use Person-First Language in the RSOL Movement

PARSOL receives letters and phone calls from people who are on the registry and those facing being placed on the registry.  Often these letters and phone calls include statements like, โ€œI am a sex offender,โ€ โ€œMy daughter is a sex offender,โ€ โ€œMy husband is a sex offender.โ€ News articles, legislative documents, legal documents, and even professional journal articles refer to…

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