I Love A Person Forced to Register (PFR): Share Your Story

Do you have a family member or a friend on the registry, probation, and/or parole? Have you experienced social isolation, fear, shame, hopelessness, frustration, property damage, loss of employment, or possibly residential relocation even though you did nothing wrong? What you’re experiencing are the collateral consequences of unjust laws that our PA State Legislators are ignoring. PARSOL wants to make our Legislators understand that their laws create real obstacles and consequences in the lives of many innocent Pennsylvanians. Tell them about your experience here. You are not alone.

Word Count Guidelines

If you are submitting an article for our blog, please note that most blog posts are 600-750 words. For our newsletter, the length of articles is 300-400 words. Our editors will frequently take a blog post and shorten it to a newsletter article with a “Read the full story on our blog” link.

Suggested Story Outline

  • Issues that led to arrest
  • Arrest, challenges, outcomes of arrest/sentencing/incarceration/treatment programs/etc.
  • Challenges to Re-Entry/Parole/etc.
  • Post-incarceration challenges
  • What life looks like for the PFR today and how they deal with ongoing issues
  • Specific pain points you/they have surrounding obstacles encountered along the way.
Please note that your story may also be used in our outreach and advocacy materials.