“We can’t arrest our way out of Child Sexual Abuse”

One of the Pennsylvnia Association for Rational Sexual Offense Laws (PARSOL)’s top priorities is to ensure our communities and leaders recognize that sexual harm is a preventable public health issue, a significant paradigm shift from society’s predisposed criminal justice response. In support of this priority, PARSOL staff and key volunteers attend relevant conferences and workshops. On June 25-26, 2024, PARSOL…

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OP/ED: Vigilantism and the Sex Offender Registry

The following Opinion/Editorial appeared in the December 20, 2024 issue of MerionWest. Portez Smith arrived outside Jesse Grover’s Pennsylvania duplex early on Sunday, November 17th of this year, yelling through the closed door, “Grover, you’re a f—ing pedophile.” When Grover opened the door, Smith pulled out a gun and shot him to death. Grover was registered on Pennsylvania’s sex offender…

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The Prohibition Act and Megan’s Law: Assessing Policy Failures

Milton Friedman’s insightful quote, “One of the great mistakes is to judge policies and programs by their intentions rather than their results,” provides a critical lens through which we can examine the failures of policies such as the Prohibition Act of 1920 and Megan’s Law. To remedy the mistake of evaluating policies solely based on intentions, a shift in focus…

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Are the Courts the New Galileo?

The Pennsylvania Supreme Court (SCOPA) heard oral arguments in Commonwealth v. Torsilieri on May 23, 2023. I don’t think the arguments were all too exciting. However, several interesting issues were made such as at what recidivism rate the General Assembly considers to be “high risk”, whether the irrebuttable presumption test is useful anymore, whether  “not universally true” an accurate benchmark…

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Collateral Consequences: An Exercise in PFR Disenfranchisement

I recently penned an essay on felony voting disenfranchisement at the request of an incarcerated friend who needed assistance with a Villanova University application question.  As I concluded my composition, I could not help but ponder the countless instances in which PFRs are disenfranchised absent any legitimate government interest or reasonable general risk.  As such, the promise of equal protection…

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