This is a special page for the Affiliates for Rational Reform, hosted here, but not official PARSOL content.


We, The Affiliates for Rational Reform (“The Affiliates”), are state-based leaders of civil rights organizations that oppose dehumanizing registries and work to eliminate the laws, policies, and practices that propagate them. We are also affiliated with the National Association for Rational Sexual Offense Laws (NARSOL), which supports our efforts as a partner but is not leading them.

We invite public relations firms with significant experience in narrative development for civil rights, public opinion change, government relations, criminal justice reform, and/or data analysis services to submit an RFP response.


Our organizations have been actively working to ensure persons with sexual offenses do not continue to have their civil rights stripped away by dehumanizing registries, irrational laws, and destructive policies/conditions. Despite our efforts, public perception and understanding of criminal justice issues around sex crimes remain a significant challenge. Misconceptions, biases, and misinformation/false narratives continually hinder progress toward meaningful reform and inhibit public support for necessary changes.

The initial national “sex offender” registry was enacted thirty years ago in response to a national fear-based campaign. Using several high-profile crimes, advocates pushed Congress and State Legislatures to do ‘something’ to prevent the proliferation of crimes of a sexual nature. The registry was created with no research or facts to back it up, but based on the idea that individuals with past convictions have a “Frightening and High” likelihood of reoffending. Subsequently, the registry was published on the internet. 

Now, nearly 30 years later, the registry dehumanizes more than 780,000 citizens. Publishing personal information online leaves them open to scams, vandalism, and other hate-based crimes. While registry advocates continue to push the same fear-based argument they did in 1994, three decades of evidence-based research now debunks those fears. The research findings are clear: the registry is punitive and ineffective in protecting our communities and, in many cases, does more harm.

Please Review the Additional Background Section.

Objectives, Audiences, and Messages

 The primary objectives of this engagement may include:

  1. Develop compelling narratives that accurately depict the challenges within the criminal justice system and advocate for evidence-based reforms, often from a civil rights lens.
  2. Strategically shape public opinion to foster support for our organization’s mission and policy initiatives.
  3. Counter misinformation and challenge stereotypes prevalent in mainstream discourse surrounding our key issues.
  4. Increase awareness and understanding of the complexities surrounding sex crimes, rehabilitation, and prevention among key stakeholders and the general public.

Beyond broad general audiences, target audiences may include:

  1. Parents: Focus on protective instincts but also on the nuances of justice and the importance of support systems for rehabilitation.
  2. Youth (18-24): Leverage their openness to change and social justice to discuss the impacts of labeling and the potential for rehabilitation and reintegration.
  3. Elderly/retirement-aged: Address concerns about safety and justice but also emphasize forgiveness, redemption, and the societal costs of permanent ostracization.
  4. Decision-Makers: A significant messaging target is elected officials and policy-makers who can use their influence to change irrational sexual offense laws.

Messaging Models:

  1. Collateral Consequences: Detail the social, economic, and psychological impacts on individuals and their families, emphasizing housing, employment, and social integration challenges. Use personal stories to illustrate these consequences, backed by data to highlight the scale of the issue.
  2. Humanizing Persons on the Registry: Share personal narratives that showcase the humanity of those on the registry. This could include their struggles, remorse, efforts at rehabilitation, and contributions to society despite their past, aiming to foster empathy and counteract dehumanization.
  3. Associated Costs of the Registry: Present research and statistics on the financial costs of maintaining registries versus the benefits of rehabilitation programs and community support services. Highlight alternative strategies that could be more effective and less costly financially and socially.

Scope of Work

The selected firm will be responsible for the following:

  1. Conducting comprehensive research to understand current public perceptions, attitudes, and beliefs.
  2. Collaborating with The Affiliates to identify key messages, themes, and narratives aligned with our mission and objectives.
  3. Developing creative and impactful storytelling strategies across various media platforms (e.g., press releases, social media campaigns, op-eds, multimedia content).
  4. Developing a pitch deck and outline for raising funds from our donors and supporters to fund public relations and advertising efforts.
  5. Implementing targeted communication strategies to reach diverse audiences, including policymakers, opinion leaders, affected communities, and the general public.
  6. Monitoring and evaluating the effectiveness of communication efforts through quantitative and qualitative measures, including media coverage analysis, audience engagement metrics, and perception surveys.
  7. Providing ongoing strategic counsel and support to adapt messaging and tactics in response to emerging issues and opportunities.

Proposal Requirements

Interested firms are requested to submit proposals that include the following:

  1. Company Overview: Brief description of the firm’s experience, expertise, and track record in providing narrative development and public opinion change services, particularly within the civil rights, criminal justice, and related sectors.
  2. Proposed Approach: Detailed methodology outlining how the firm intends to address the objectives outlined in this RFP, including research methodologies, messaging strategies, and media engagement tactics.
  3. Team Composition: Bios of key team members who will be involved in the project, highlighting relevant experience and expertise.
  4. Work Plan: Timeline and milestones for project deliverables, including key dates for research, strategy development, implementation, and evaluation.
  5. Budget: Itemized budget detailing proposed fees and expenses associated with the scope of work, including any additional costs for media buys or other resources.  The project will likely need to be divided up into phases, so budgeting for each separately is ideal.
  6. References: Contact information for at least three references from past clients who can speak to the firm’s performance and results in similar engagements.

Evaluation Criteria

 Proposals will be evaluated based on the following criteria:

  1. Relevance and clarity of approach in addressing the objectives outlined in the RFP.
  2. Demonstrated expertise and experience in narrative development, public opinion change, and criminal justice advocacy.
  3. Qualifications and experience of key personnel assigned to the project.
  4. Feasibility and realism of the proposed work plan and budget.
  5. Quality and relevance of past work samples and client references.

Selection Process

Following the submission deadline, we will review and evaluate all proposals received. Shortlisted firms may be invited to participate in interviews or presentations to further assess their capabilities and alignment with our organization’s needs. The final selection will be based on the proposal’s overall strength and the firm’s capacity to deliver impactful results.


All information provided in the solicitation of and in response to this RFP shall be confidential.

Contact Information

For inquiries or additional information regarding this RFP, please reference the specific area of the RFP you have a question about (ex: “Scope of Work #4”).

John Dawe, MNA, CNP, RCP, RCP-F
Pennsylvania Association for Rational Sexual Offense Laws
717-820-2237 ext. 3

Cindy Prizio
One Standard of Justice – Connecticut

Terms and Conditions

The Affiliates reserve the right to reject any or all proposals received and negotiate separately with any source whatsoever in any manner necessary to serve the organization’s best interests. We thank all applicants for their interest in partnering with us on this critical initiative.

Submit an RFP Response

You may submit your proposal to email: or use the below form.

AffiliatesRFP: Submission Form

Maximum file size: 67.11MB

Additional Background

The following videos and links provide a primer on our constituents’ daily civil rights injustices. We strongly recommend watching and reading these documents to become more familiar with the cause, so you can “get onboard” with our goals and vision.

Video: Frightening & High

Video: Sex Offender Registries Primer

Additional Resources

Become a PARSOL Member Today and help fuel the movement for rational laws in PA!