Pennsylvania’s ‘Sex Offender’ Registry Law (“PA Megan’s Law”) was enacted in 1995 in response to a national fear-based campaign. Using several high-profile crimes, advocates pushed Pennsylvania legislators to do ‘something’ to prevent the proliferation of crimes of a sexual nature. The registry was created with no research or facts to back it up, but based on the idea that individuals with past convictions have a “Frightening and High” likelihood of reoffending. In 2004, the registry was published on the internet. In 2011, it was extended to include assorted other crimes and the number of persons forced to register (PFRs) in Pennsylvania expanded. The Supreme Court of Pennsylvania has declared it unconstitutional several times, only to have it reworded enough to remain in effect.
Now, nearly 30 years later, the registry dehumanizes more than 23,000 citizens. Publishing personal information online leaves PFRs open to scams, vandalism, and other hate-based crimes. While the same fears that pushed the registry remain, three decades of research now debunks those fears. The research findings are clear: the registry is both punitive and ineffective in protecting our communities.
What is PARSOL?
The Pennsylvania Association for Rational Sexual Offense Laws (PARSOL) believes all sexual abuse is unacceptable and that prevention, treatment, and healing are possible. We take a person-first approach to criminal justice reform that cultivates a fair and just society, honors inherent dignity and promotes respect and fairness. People can and do change. As such, PARSOL advocates for sexual offense public safety measures and resources that work for all through prevention-based, trauma/treatment-informed, and healing-focused legislative and public policy initiatives that respect our Constitution and all people’s dignity.
Are PARSOL and PARSOL Advocates different groups?
PARSOL Advocates, a 501(c)4 social welfare membership organization, was founded to directly advocate on behalf of the tens of thousands of Pennsylvanians affected by the collateral consequences of the Megan’s Law registry in 2017. Our co-founders Dr. Theresa Robertson, Dr. Carol Salacka, and Steward Steckley founded PARSOL as Pennsylvania’s affiliate of the National Association for Rational Sexual Offense Laws (NARSOL).
An affiliated 501(c)3 charitable education organization, the Pennsylvania Association for Rational Sexual Offense Laws, was founded in 2021 to educate the public about dehumanizing registries and their associated laws and policies. By helping Pennsylvanians learn the truth about crimes of a sexual nature, effective prevention and treatment measures, legislative and public policies that do more harm than good, and evidence-based alternatives, we believe a Pennsylvania safe and just for all is possible.
The two organizations work together whenever legally possible. Generally, membership and event fees are allocated to PARSOL Advocates and charitable contributions and support program revenues go to PennsylvaniaRSOL.
PARSOL’s Positions on Related Topics
- Public Registries are Ineffective in Preventing Harm
- Sexual Harm is a Preventable Public Health Issue
- Education is Key: Sexuality, Healthy Relationships, Boundaries
- End Carveouts based on Crime Class, including Registry Requirements
- Countering Dehumanizing Registries with Terminology & Person-First Language
- Debunking the Myth of “Frightening & High” Recidivism is Critical
- Oppose Residency Restrictions Because They Don’t Work
- Policies Around Sex Offenses Should be Based on Evidence-Based Research and Practices
- PARSOL Opposes Civil Commitment Due to Ineffectiveness and Cost Concerns
PARSOL Advocates Policy & Legislative Agendas
PARSOL Leadership
PARSOL Board of Directors
- Robert Cicchinelli, Havertown, PA
- John Dawe, MNA, CNP, RCP(F), Dallas, PA – board treasurer, exec. leadership, management, public policy, communications
- Randall Hayes, Harrisburg, PA – 501c4 chair, legislative affairs, volunteer management
- Josiah Krammes, Pottsville, PA – 501c3 chair, secretary, education, information, legal affairs
- Melinda Murphy, Edinboro, PA – Special Populations
- Olivia Ortz, Sharon, PA – Corporate Secretary
- Lisa Perry, Frackville, PA – Reentry Programs
- Lisa Kessler-Peters, Camp Hill, PA – Vice Chair, reentry programs
- Ashley Price, Monroeville, PA – Support Committee Chair & PA Fearless Facilitator
PARSOL Advisory Board
- Dr. Theresa Robertson, LPC, Ph.D., Founding Executive Director, PARSOL
- David Garlock, Justice Reform Advocate & Speaker
- Dr. Stephanie Jerstad, MS, Ph.D., Asst. Professor of Criminology, Millersville University
- Brenda Jones, Executive Director, NARSOL
- Carrie Kurtz – Reentry Programs Consultant, PA Commission on Crime & Delinquency
- Shawn Barrera Leaf, Executive Director, United Voices for Sex Offense Reform (UV4SOR)
- State Rep. Emily Kinkead, Esq., Pennsylvania Representative, PA-20
- Christi Corl Smith, Ph.D., Former Senior Fellow, Criminal Justice and Civil Liberties @ the R Street Institute
- Amber Vlangas, Executive Director, Restorative Action Alliance & Co-Host, Amplified Voices Podcast
- Dr. Jennifer Weeks, Ph.D., LPC, CSAT-S, SOAB-Approved Treatment Provider
- (Honorary) Robert Reed, Esq., Executive Deputy Attorney General of Pennsylvania
- (Honorary) Aaron Marcus, Esq., Chief of Appellate Division, Philadelphia Defenders Assocition
- John Dawe – Managing Director/CEO/CFO (& NARSOL Marketing Director)
- Randall Hayes – Legislative Director, Volunteer & Membership Manager
- Josiah Krammes – Legal, Information, and Education Director, PARSOL Quarterly Editor
- Ashley Price – Fearless Support Group Facilitator